Manifest anything you want or desire

The Ultimate Guide To Manifest Anything You Want Or Desire

Whether you want to turn your reality 180 degrees or see life from a more optimistic perspective, learning to manifest could be all you need right now.

The word manifestation may sound tricky because many people associate it with something esoteric or hippy-dippy.

I even had to do some deep research before I felt comfortable practicing manifestation in my life.

If you have an excessively logical and rational mind like me, you may also have trouble understanding what truly means to manifest.

Other people who also have a hard time understanding and accepting the practice of manifestation come from a restrictive religious background.

But what is Manifestation?

Simply put, Manifestation is consciously creating the life you want.

No, it’s not about New Age bs. We are all co-creators of our reality, whether we like it or not. And we build that reality every day by putting intention into our desires and actions.

Manifesting has nothing to do with some mystical ritual or ceremony. It is also not a modern concept, as many wise ancestors have widely taught it.

You are continually attracting things into your life, although most of the time, you do it unconsciously. That’s what manifesting is all about.

Some people instead believe that Manifestation is about getting aligned with the vibration of what you want.

And that is because, according to the Law of Attraction, frequencies that vibrate together align together.

Be that as it may, the statement that your beliefs and thoughts shape your reality is undeniable.

But it is not as simple as thinking of something and expecting it to come to fruition in the blink of an eye.

Manifest your dream life

The truth about Manifestation

Manifestation is not a quick fix for anything. You need to do both the inside and outside work to manifest your goals.

If all you do is meditate and hold crystals, you will likely not attract what you want. You need a blend between thought, inspiration, and action to properly manifest.

Manifesting is not simply dreaming or hoping for something. Although powerful, thoughts only become a reality when they inspire you to take focused action towards your goals.

You’re giving up your power when you’re just hoping and wishing.

On the contrary, manifesting empowers you to take the necessary steps towards your desires.

What is the slight nuance that escapes many people who teach about manifestation?

Everything you want to manifest in the physical world has to come from within you; it is an extension of who you are. You cannot create an external reality that does not exist within you.

Ultimately, the Universe always seeks our growth, and what we create must be aligned with the collective wellbeing.

Manifesting is preparing your mind, body, and spirit to help you take the actions to get what you want.
-Mel Robbins

Manifest anything you want

How does manifesting work?

When you learn to manifest as a constant practice, you’re working towards removing your mental blockages and limiting beliefs.

It doesn’t matter if the whole world doesn’t believe in you. When you convince yourself that you can succeed at something, you have already won.

But first, you need to prepare and retrain your mind to manifest what you want. 

You can put yourself with your imagination right at the scene of what you want to accomplish.

Pay careful attention to the details in those scenes that run through your mind. See it, feel it, and you’ll believe it. That’s the deal. 

Your brain cannot distinguish between real experiences and detailed experiences in your imagination. By manifesting, you are using your ability to imagine and feel to prepare yourself to get where you want.

So when it’s time to take action, you feel like you’ve already done it, which eliminates the nerves and anxiety of the moment.

At some point in this mental rehearsal, there may come a moment of inspiration or new insights that open your eyes to new possibilities.

Steps to manifesting

  1. Be specific about your goals. It is essential to be as detailed as possible in what you want to manifest to accelerate its materialization in the physical world. In this step, you also need to decide what actions to take to achieve your desired results.
  2. Take the time to visualize your desires as they were already a reality. Visualizing is a manifestation technique—the more vivid and real the visualization, the better. Your subconscious mind will look for ways to align the experiences of your visualization with the material world.
  3. Empower your intention with emotion. You have to be able to feel the emotions and sensations that you will experience when achieving your desires.
  4. Don’t get attached to a specific result. Declare your intention, work for it and release the result. Allow the Universe to surprise you. The fulfillment of your dream can come in the way you least imagine.
  5. Be patient while remaining proactive. Results may not come as quickly as you’d like, but that doesn’t mean they never will.
  6. Don’t waste your energy trying to manifest 10 or 20 things simultaneously. Focus your energy on the two or three most important things you want to manifest NOW.

The importance of habits to manifest your goals

Your habits must accompany and support your manifestation process.

We often don’t realize that our habits are holding us back precisely.

I’ll give you a very personal example.

For most of my life, I have been a night owl. Even when I had a 9-5 job, I always had a hard time going to bed before midnight.

There came a time when the situation got out of control. I was going to bed later and later.

Then I started to suffer from insomnia and other health problems. In addition, I spent most of the day with overall weakness and a foggy brain.

As you can imagine, this is not a good situation if you want to be productive and get more things done during the day.

This year I decided that I no longer want to be a night owl but an early bird.

It has cost me sweat and tears to change this ingrained habit for so many years, but I feel that I am finally on the right track.

What about you? What are the habits preventing or delaying you from getting where you want to go?

Most of these habits may be deeply ingrained in your psyche, and you may need professional help to change them.

However, it is always worthwhile to identify old habits and patterns that need to be changed for new ones to achieve the results you want in your life.

Manifesting techniques

Next, I will mention some of the most well-known techniques used in the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.

One of the keys to using these techniques is to have a very clear intention about what you want to manifest. 

You’re not doing yourself a favor if you don’t know what you want or if your desires are ambiguous.

Another essential thing to remember when practicing these techniques is to understand that they are still tools as valuable as they are.

You can use these tools as part of a whole system where the main element is your effort and commitment toward your goals.

It is essential to be consistent and persevere with whatever we do, like everything in life. The same applies to using these techniques to manifest.

Now let’s see the tools that you can start using today to manifest what you want.


Meditation is an ancient practice that has innumerable benefits in your life. 

Not only does meditating help you calm your mind and ease your anxiety, but it also opens your subconscious to creativity and intuition.

Both elements, creativity and intuition, are crucial in the process of manifesting your dreams because they connect you with infinite possibilities.

Do not be discouraged if, at first, you feel that it is challenging for you to meditate. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’m still struggling.

The more you practice meditation, the more efficient you become at it.

Here’s a guided meditation video focused on Manifestation.


In simple words, visualizing is experiencing or mentally recreating a situation.

Visualization is powerful because it helps you develop new neural connections.

Then these “routes in your brain” will facilitate the execution of the actions you need to carry out.

We have already seen that our brain cannot distinguish between imagined and real situations. 

Therefore, it is valid to say that visualizing rehearses what we want to achieve—the more detailed and specific, the better.

The key here is to visualize each step towards your goals instead of just envisioning the finish line.

Another essential tip for visualizing and any other technique is not to do it from a place of lack or need.

Find that place within you filled with gratitude, happiness, and peace to raise your vibration quickly.


Affirmations are an essential component in Manifestation because they help reprogram your subconscious mind.

You can overcome limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting your desires through affirmative statements. For example, “I’m not good enough” can be replaced by “I’m great at what I do” or “I always get what I set out to do.”

Also, positive affirmations predispose you to a positive state of mind. In this new mindset, you can find better solutions and alternatives to get where you want.

Manifest anything you want in life


This technique involves writing in detail about what you want to manifest. All you need is a notebook, a pen, and your imagination.

Thousands of people swear that they have manifested their dream life using some of the different versions of this technique. 

In addition, this is an excellent alternative for those who find it very difficult to meditate or visualize.

The key here is to write what you want in the present tense. You can write something like, “I am very grateful to be in excellent physical shape and have a robust health.”

As you write, focus on feeling the emotions as if you are already experiencing the materialization of your desire.

Vision Boards

Vision boards have been so popular that people are tired of hearing about them. But its popularity is not in vain.

Vision boards work the same way visualizations and affirmations work: what you focus on expands.

A well-done VB automatically raises your vibration and places you in a frequency of gratitude and abundance.

In addition, they are a constant reminder of your goals, which motivates and inspires you to keep fighting for them.

Vision boards evoke the vision of your “future self” and put you in the right mood to attract what you want.

Here’s an excellent tutorial on making a vision board if you’ve never made one before.

Why are some people unable to manifest the life they want?

For some people, it is difficult to understand that they have the power to choose to change their reality. So sadly, they are choosing the same life over and over again.

Staying in the known realm instead of opening up to new possibilities is a mental pattern for some that may take a lifetime to overcome.

Other people misunderstand the Law of Attraction, thinking they just have to wish and visualize something with all their might for it to come true. It does not work like that.

Only wishing for something makes the lack of it evident and amplifies the feeling of not having it. Wishing puts you into a state of lack.

The Law of Attraction states that we don’t get what we want in life; we get what we believe we deserve. Therefore, manifesting is not just about wishing things.

To manifest the life we ​​dream of, we have to make ourselves worthy of it.

What are the things that prevent you from feeling worthy of your desires?

The biggest obstacles to what you want are always your self-doubts, excuses, fears, and limiting beliefs.


When you believe that something is possible, you are opening the possibilities for incredible things to happen in your life.

Only you are responsible for achieving your dreams, and you are the only one in the best position to achieve them.

When you practice and develop your ability to manifest what you want, your life changes completely.

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