Traits of successful people

10 Traits of Productive and Successful people

Have you ever wondered what the traits of productive and successful people who seem to achieve all their goals are?

It could be someone who was super determined to transform their body or someone else who achieved incredible goals in their professional area.

Maybe you know someone who set out to start their own business and didn’t give up until they did.

Let’s admit it. We all know those kinds of winning people and have been a little envious.

Well, without further ado, we are going to know what those essential traits are that productive and successful people have in common.


Productive and Successful people


1.- No excuses

 Successful people don’t allow themselves to make excuses to procrastinate or stop doing what they know they have to do.

They are people strongly oriented to action and the achievement of goals. Therefore, they avoid the use of excuses and do not tolerate them in others either.


2.- Learn from their failures

 These people are not discouraged by their failures. Instead, they always look for ways to learn from them to start again with a different approach.

They have incredible resilience that doesn’t let them demoralize and stay down for too long.

Perhaps these people are the ones who experience failure the most because they are not afraid to try again and again when anyone else would give up.


3.- Powerful inner motivation

 They can motivate themselves and do not depend on the opinions of others.

That strong inner motivation allows them to stay on track toward achieving their goals and ignore distractions.

A typical person tends to give more importance to what others think.

However, successful people fully trust their inner voice and don’t let outside opinions influence them too much.


4.- Plan in writing

One of the essential traits productive and successful people have is that they recognize the importance of written planning.

They know that it is essential to record plans, strategies, and deadlines. Written planning makes goals more real and measurable.


5.- Take risks

The courage to take risks and face the unknown is another trait of those who succeed.

Sometimes it is necessary to act without having all the conditions of success assured and to trust a little more in the gut feeling.

Many opportunities are lost because you want to wait for the “right moment” or because you want to have guaranteed success from the beginning.


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6.- Set priorities

 Successful people manage to optimize their time because they have learned to set their priorities.

They know clearly what is urgent, what is essential, and what can wait.

Some of them may take time to learn this skill, but sooner or later, they do so because they recognize how essential correct time management is.


7.- Discipline

 Another of its traits is the discipline to carry out even the least engaging and exhausting activities.

Many people find it hard to maintain discipline and determination when things get tough, and they quickly entertain in other activities.

However, productive and successful people know how to postpone instant gratification to achieve their medium and long-term goals.


8.- Hard Work

 There is not a gram of laziness in these people. At all times, they work hard and go the extra mile while envisioning the achievement of their goals.

These people are not daunted by the inevitable difficulties or by the exhausting task.

They know that everything worthwhile requires effort and sacrifice; for that reason, they don’t waste time on gossip and trivial activities.


9.- Passion

The passion for what they do is the motor that fills them with energy and moves them.

Do what you love, or love what you do? There seems to be a dilemma here, but it isn’t.

Maybe not all of us can dedicate ourselves to what we would like to do, but we can definitely all learn to love what we do and give our best in that activity.

One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.” E.M. Forster


10.- Connections

 They understand that success is not a lonely path.

They have learned to create meaningful relationships where there is a mutual contribution to continue growing.


What other traits do you think are essential to be a productive and successful person?



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