What is your life purpose

Secrets To Find Your Life Purpose And Feel More Empowered

Have you already discovered your life purpose, and what makes you feel motivated to get up every morning? Let me share with you some secrets I learned here and there to help you feel more empowered with your life.

What is your life purpose?

This question is perhaps what I have asked myself most of my life.

I can assure you that it has taken me a long time to find out the answer but having been able to discover my purpose has been immensely liberating.

Do I really think that everyone should have a purpose in life to be happy? Not necessarily.

But without a doubt, knowing what drives you and what you are passionate about will give a sense of empowerment and fulfillment to your life.

It is completely normal to ask yourself these kinds of existential questions at some point in your life.

Why am I in this world?

What is the meaning of my existence?

When do I feel fulfilled?

These inquiries are legit because they express your heart’s desire for a life with more depth and meaning.

Doing this self-examination can guide you through unknown paths, but it is necessary to travel them.

Only you can walk that particular path. Only you can discover your Truth.

However, if you are still searching for your life purpose, I want to share some guidelines to give you a good starting point.

A little about my experience

I have always been that type of person interested in everything but who does not delve into anything.

I never felt a special call to perform any noble or generous task. Nor did I develop any exceptional talent that made me shine and stand out, such as music, athletics, or public speaking.

In addition to that, I suffer from a moderate-severe level of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Despite everything, I cannot complain since my limitations never prevented me from achieving my academic and work goals.

However, I had to reappraise many things at various times in my adult life and during deep crises.

Your Life Purpose

Tragedy as a trigger in the search for my purpose

Some years ago, something happened that shook all the fibers of my being.

I began to wonder what my purpose in life was from that moment.

One day in April 2013, unknown people murdered a co-worker in the same company where we worked every day.

When you live an event like this, your life can’t remain immovable.

I do not want to detail what happened, but I will only tell you that this tragedy marked the beginning of many changes for me and a new way of facing life.

I became obsessed with discovering why I was still living. Why a family man appreciated by everyone, had died that day and not me?

Pain. Tears. Nights without sleep. Decisions that took me far from the known.

I could spend hours telling you everything I had to go through on this journey of self-discovery.

The good news is that you don’t need to go through a tragic experience to discover your purpose in life.

How to discover your Life Purpose

Many people confuse their life purpose with what they do professionally or to stand out from the crowd.

In reality, your life purpose or mission has to do with something more profound and significant.

It has to do with what makes your heart vibrate, with your passions and talents.

And to a certain extent, it also has to do with the legacy you will leave to the world when you are gone.

But just as happiness is a personal path, the purpose of life is also unique and different for each person.

Some people seem to have been born with a burning desire in their hearts, knowing what they are going to do from an early age. Others take much longer to discover.

1.- Make a daily effort to raise your awareness

To raise your awareness, you have to practice focused attention on every aspect of your life.

When you live with a high level of consciousness, you are in tune with your inner wisdom, which will guide you to the answers within you.

That way, you learn to find the deep meaning of everything that happens to you. And that includes the true purpose of your life.

2.- Seek inspiration from other people’s stories

When I listen to and read stories of people who have positively impacted others’ lives, I always feel inspired to do my best in my sphere of influence.

After all, our purpose also refers to our impact on those around us.

3.- Evaluate your life to the present

Are you satisfied with the results that you have been manifesting in the different areas of your life? You have the power to move the helm and change direction.

Whoever you are, your life’s purpose is not to live below your potential.

Taking an honest and raw review of your life can help you determine what you can do differently to lead you to a more satisfying existence.

4.- Actively take care of your happiness

Ultimately, your life purpose should be to seek happiness actively.

However, happiness lies not only in doing things we enjoy but also in feeling useful, productive, and capable of achieving the goals we set.

One of the most effective ways to have happiness and fulfillment in your life is by making sure you cultivate healthy and nurturing relationships.

Surround yourself with people who bring positive things to your life, and happiness will never be far from you.

5.- Discover the beauty of helping others

My mom constantly repeated to me: “The one who does not live to serve does not serve to live.”

You will never find a more noble and elevated life purpose than to work for those less fortunate than you.

Do you want to make a difference in the world? Develop the desire to serve and make life easier for those around you.

You don’t have to do impressive things. A sincere smile or a small gesture of kindness is sometimes more than enough.

6.- Trust that the Universe will help you find out your path

Have faith. Trust in the wisdom of the Universe or God, or whatever you want to call it.

Although you may not have noticed it yet, life has led you through events and transitions to take you to where you belong.

The Universe will guide you to the place where you will discover what you came to do, the people you can help, and the potential you can develop.

Just trust and learn to listen to your heart.


Your Life Purpose is much more than the activity you do every day; it has to do with your existence’s deep and spiritual meaning.

Nothing happens if you have trouble finding your life purpose.

It takes some people a lifetime. But that only means that they value it, even more when they discover it.

Also, it is good to know that your purpose may change several times throughout your life. It is not static and immovable, but it adapts to your circumstances.

Once again. Trust in the wisdom of the Universe and in everything beautiful that is in store for you.

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